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Support for: Mingle – Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

Mingle (WordPress)

Public Group  |  active 5 days, 21 hours ago ago
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Adding Left menu Breaks layout!

  • Dtrans


    Hi there and congratulations on creating what looks like a superb template. I must admit that we would like to see some video tutorials or simplified configuration descriptions for those of us who are new to Word press though!

    1. We are having trouble with our menu and whenever we add a menu to the left of the page it causes the images within the slider below to stick out of the page layout completely. We can’t understand why and this is a really urgent matter. We have also found that the slider does not work for us on other pages too, with the slider content again being pushed right out of the page layout on the right side.

    2. When we add a video to a slide show, it appears in front of the curved header graphic and not behind it, like it should. How can we rectify this please?

    Thanks in advance,


  • andy


    Is it possible to provide a link so we can see the problem?

  • Dtrans


    Hi Andy, as you have 5 star ratings for this template we presume that the issues must be caused by us and not your theme. However, we can’t see any setting that would cause this and now the content works fine on the home page, but not on any other page!

    Some other quick questions:

    1. Do you really have to go back and forth constantly between the ‘media’, ‘Appearance>Design Themes’ and ‘Pages’ tabs in the admin so much as we’ve worked with many other templates and never had to do this so frequently, and this seems to be taking forever to set up.

    2. Do you have some documentation for setting up a ‘portfolio’ section as it looks as if you do indeed have to know a considerable amount of css to get the layout you want, which wasn’t mentioned in your template description. Whilst you can quickly set up column structures using your ‘drag and drop’ functionality, you still have to know css well for positioning individual elements within these columns by looking at your sample code. Surely creating thumbnails and previews for every portfolio item in this manner is extremely time-consuming?

    Also,you don’t explain the sections on retrieving images to use in the portfolios section in much detail and this doesn’t make any sense to us:

    (string) The category ID’s to pull portfolio items from. Can be entered as a comma separated list. Where do you get category id’s from as you sample code just shows 1,2,3, but what does it reference and when we upload an image, how do we assign a category ID please?

    3. When we copy the social media sample code into our page and change the links to our specific pages, they don’t work. Is there something we are missing please as we copied the code exactly and simply amended the url’s.

    We can happily forward a link to you privately, but can’t post it in a public forum. How can we do this as we don’t see any options? Whilst we appreciate you may be busy and can’t respond straight away. If we can’t get at least the positional issues resolved today then we will have no choice but to uninstall this theme completely. Many thanks.

  • Dtrans


    Unfortunately we have had to uninstall this theme now as we couldn’t resolve the issues. Obviously, some of the these may have been caused by us and we are sure that the theme is extremely powerful when you have a good thorough understanding of Word Press short-code and css. For us though, it just appears to take too long to configure and as it was on a live site we couldn’t wait any longer. Thanks

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