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Support for: Mingle – Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

Mingle (WordPress)

Public Group  |  active 2 months, 2 weeks ago ago
Viewing post 1 to 4 (4 total posts)

Missing line breaks

  • mrsouza



    Maybe this is an easy one, but I just could not figure it out. I imported a previous blog into my new WP-installation and also changed to Mingle theme. However, all my posts are shown without line breaks, each post is displayed as a single paragraph. If I switch to another theme, the line breaks are there.

    Any suggestions why this happen?

    Thanks. Love the new support forum, looks great.

  • Trevor


    First thing to check is your wpautop setting. Next, in the post edit view, near the bottom right of your screen you should see a Content Options box (if you don’t see it click on Screen Options located at the top right of your screen and make sure the check-box next to “Content Options” is selected/checked). Within the Content Options box there is a drop-down menu titled Auto Paragraphs. What setting do you currently have enabled for Auto Paragraphs? Try changing this setting, update/save your post, view the updated version and see if it resolves the layout issues you’re having.

    Please let us know if that fixes things or if you need further assistance – Glad to hear you are enjoying the support forums!

  • mrsouza


    Thanks, setting that to “On” solved the problem. However, I have 600 posts, can I enable this setting on all posts in an easy way?

  • mrsouza


    Never mind, I found the setting for Auto Paragraphs (wpautop) in the Theme Settings. It works now, cheers!

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Topic tags: line breaks, linebreaks, mingle