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Support for: Mingle – Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

Mingle (WordPress)

Public Group  |  active 7 months ago ago
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Problem with tab shortcodes content

  • erikahrend


    Hi. I am having some trouble inserting some short codes inside short codes (for example, insert blogs of columns and dividers inside toggles..).

    In the first place I introduced the following code in the html compose area of my post:

    [tab title="Blog1 tab"][blog category="11"][/tab]
    [tab title="Blog2 tab"][blog category="10"][/tab]

    When I attempt to save I get this message in my browser:

    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function make_theme_blog_page() in /hsphere/local/home/photonhunter/ on line 832″

    Secondly, I am trying to insert some columns inside a [tab] short code. I inserted the following code:

    [tab title="Tab 1"]
    [three_fourth]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sit amet nisi diam, pretium tincidunt tortor. Pellentesque eu risus nunc. Nulla dictum rutrum sem, id dapibus ipsum tristique et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec molestie ante et ipsum egestas ornare. Mauris vitae lectus mi. Etiam euismod mauris sit amet nisl accumsan semper. Nunc porttitor, quam nec imperdiet aliquam, est velit placerat augue, vitae scelerisque nisl tortor ac ante. Morbi sed purus dui. Morbi sed metus lacus, vitae consequat lacus. Proin eu elit vitae ante tincidunt mollis. Aliquam tincidunt sapien quis nisl facilisis ut commodo metus dictum. Integer auctor mollis arcu et condimentum.[/three_fourth]
    [one_fourth_last]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sit amet nisi diam, pretium tincidunt tortor. Pellentesque eu risus nunc. Nulla dictum rutrum sem, id dapibus ipsum tristique et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec...[/one_fourth_last]
    [tab title="Tab 2"]Tab content...[/tab]
    [tab title="Tab 3"]Tab content...[/tab]

    In order to have a three_fourth and a one_fourth sections inside the tab. That is not working either, the content is not inside the tab and is not distributed correctly. You can see the result here:

    Also, whenever I insert [tab] short codes, I get the thumbnail you can see in the URL above on top of the tabs..??

    I would appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.


  • jeffw


    Hi, Erik.

    Your first issue is probably being caused by a plugin conflict. Please deactivate all plugins to check, and then reactivate them one at a time to find which of them is causing the problem.

    For more information on this issue please search the forum for “Call to undefined function make_theme_blog_page()”.

    With regards to your second issue, because of the additional padding requirements inside tabs and toggles the column shortcodes will not work properly. Instead you will need to use some custom HTML. This issue has actually be discussed two or three times before. I searched the forum for “columns inside tabs” and found the following topic in approximately 5.62 seconds. ;)

    As a courtesy to your fellow Mingle users, please remember to start a fresh topic for each issue that you have. This makes it easier for anyone coming along afterwards to find issues and solutions by using the forum search. It helps everyone if we keep topics tightly focused on single issues.

    The support team would really appreciate it if you would search the forum first, before posting.

  • erikahrend


    Jeff, thanks for your reply. I understand and will make sure to do as you mention in the future. Would it be possible to share the code used to create the tabs example in the Mingle demo ( the one with the blog/portfolio/content samples)

    As for the plugin, I will check and will report back if I find which one is causing the problem.



  • jeffw


    The content of the first tab is just ordinary text with [styled_image] shortcodes in it.

    The content of the second tab is a [portfolio] shortcode.

    The content of the third tab is an [icon_list] shortcode with some ordinary text after it.

    The content of the fourth tab is a [blog] shortcode.

    There is nothing particularly complex in that content, what is it that you are having difficulty with?

  • erikahrend


    Jeff, I am mostly interested in the content in the first tab, text with styled images. My coding skills are very limited. Could you possibly replicate the code for that particular tab here?



  • jeffw

    <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
    [styled_image w="200" h="115" lightbox="yes" image="4173" align="right" alt="Click me to enlarge!"]
    <p>Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc posuere aliquet sollicitudin. Proin at pulvinar nibh. Integer euismod ultricies euismod. Nulla ac facilisis arcu. Quisque bibendum suscipit ligula eget placerat. Maecenas volutpat urna eu dui vulputate laoreet. Sed tempus eros quis metus scelerisque ac vestibulum tortor pulvinar. Aliquam sed nisl ut nisi gravida consequat at in metus. Nunc vel erat et mauris malesuada tristique. Quisque mattis elit eros, non facilisis sem. Cras a congue neque. In massa purus, ornare in sagittis id, accumsan ac nisl. Sed sit amet nulla ac dolor adipiscing.</p>
    [styled_image w="250" h="273" lightbox="yes" image="4175" align="left" alt="Click me to enlarge!"]
    <h5>Nam libero diam, tincidunt ac volutpat non</h5>
    <p>Plandit in massa. Sed convallis luctus lorem, quis elementum lacus viverra eu. Aliquam erat turpis, dictum a sodales eu, tempus ac magna. Nam sit amet justo eu lacus commodo rutrum eget a felis. Ut rhoncus faucibus nibh eget scelerisque.</p>
    <h5>Fusce nec dui turpis sed mollis</h5>
    <p>Nibh ac blandit porttitor, metus tortor blandit ipsum, eu mattis mi diam ac purus. Integer ornare mattis viverra. Nunc accumsan massa eu ligula pretium id commodo mi aliquet. Nunc gravida purus quis tellus varius consequat. Nullam at diam arcu. Sed urna turpis, pellentesque non venenatis ut, convallis nec velit. Nam placerat imperdiet ornare. Vestibulum faucibus elit sit amet lectus fringilla nec ornare risus faucibus. Sed hendrerit, orci vel varius ornare, sem metus adipiscing diam, quis hendrerit est erat id eros. Mauris ut arcu sapien.</p>
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