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  • jeffw
  • andy

Support for: Mingle – Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

Mingle (WordPress)

Public Group  |  active 2 months, 2 weeks ago ago
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Support Theme

  • scott74


    Is the support system a wordpress theme?… if so can you point to link Thanks

  • Trevor


    Technically, no – it is not a ‘theme’ that can be purchased – but the Parallelus Help Center takes advantage of many aspects from Salutation.

  • andy


    @Trevor and @scott74

    Actually, this is exactly the Salutation theme. I made a few color changes and style adjustments. The bulk of the time spent on this site that makes it different from the default setup of the theme is the removal of default BuddyPress features like messaging, activity streams, etc. They are unnecessary here so I had to remove and disable some of them.

  • scott74


    Hey andy, on a side note, I get like triple emails of notifications when someone reply’s here… any suggestions

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