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Support for: Mingle – Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

Mingle (WordPress)

Public Group  |  active 2 months, 2 weeks ago ago
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BuddyPress profile field text alignment

  • aapi001


    Hello – First time poster but I want to say I’ve resolved at least a dozen issues through the search forum feature and that is to say that I have tried to research this both through this forum search and google search and I need a little guidance.

    Basically, the profile text fields on the profile page are out of alignment (Name, @username, last login) are all the way center and up top high and the Profile Name is completely obscured behind the cover photo (see screenshot url). Not sure if where/how this can be corrected, if its Mingle related, or BP related?

    If I could get a little guidance whether I need to focus on BuddyPress elements or Mingle elements to troubleshoot this and where to look to start? Thanks for your time.

    Heres a screenshot showing the profile text

  • aapi001


    Update: Im a noob but I attacked this from everywhere within my limited scope of experience and came up with a work around that I can live with. It basically revolves around the use of the cover photo that went live in BP 2.4. I disabled the cover photo option and everything came “close enough.”

    I also disabled @username to clean it up a little. I don’t know a way to get Mingle to work with cover photos in BuddyPress, does anyone?

  • jeffw


    I think I posted fixes for these problems.

    Here →

    And here →

    Let me know if those fixes help.

    Mingle is a very, very old theme and the styling for some elements in modern-day BuddyPress and bbPress doesn’t look too good. If you come across anything else that doesn’t seem to be styled right please let us know. However, please keep in mind that we will need to see the issue on a live web page on your web site to be able to help.

    Note that Mingle doesn’t use any custom BuddyPress or bbPress templates, it only adds CSS to style some of the elements of those plugins to fit in with the general design of the theme. It’s possible that new elements introduced by BuddyPress and/or bbPress won’t look right in Mingle because Mingle is not styling those new elements. Also, the developers of BuddyPress in particular have a track record of changing its style class names, and this breaks any theme like Mingle that is using the older BuddyPress classes.

    If you can show us on live web pages where you see any issues we will be glad to help if we can, but because this theme is so very old, and in particular because it is not a responsive theme, we can’t justify allocating any development resources to fixing any plugin-related issues. Thanks.,

  • aapi001


    Thanks Jeff. I like this theme a great deal compared to other options, though there’s no denying responsive. I would buy a Mingle redo. I’m sure that discussion has been beaten to death so I’ll just leave it there.

    Thanks again for the advice.

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