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Support for: Mingle – Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

Mingle (WordPress)

Public Group  |  active 2 months, 2 weeks ago ago
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Home menu item is distorted

  • parallelusbob22


    Hi can you help please
    I have recently purchased the Mingle theme and am busy setting up my new home site. I previously used your Unite theme.
    I am however in the learning stage, and have managed to do something that I have not been able to rectify.
    The Home button on the main menu is distorted, I have tried for some time to fix the issue without success.

    If you wish to see the problem live please go to

    Hope you can help, thanks in anticipation

    Bob Simmons

    Ps I did wish to attach an image for reference, but could not find the method for doing this

  • jeffw


    Somehow you have managed to set two URLs for your Home menu item. This kind of error is often easy to spot if you use your browser’s Inspect Element tool to point at and inspect the problem element…


    Simply delete your existing Home menu item and create a new one.


  • parallelusbob22


    Thank you Jeff
    That pointed me in the right direction, however when I deleted the home menu item and created a new one the problem still remained. I even deleted the whole menu and made a new one without success, as you had pointed out there were two url’s, one being a link to vimeo. The only other place I had a reference to vimeo was in a widget in the Header Widget Area, deleting the reference, the menu returned to fully working as before.

    Thank you so much for your help

    NB. Can you please assist with one more item, how do I insert an image into this post?
    Best regards

  • jeffw


    Can you tell me exactly what content you had added to Header Widget Area so that I can test this and get it fixed if something in the theme is broken?

    If you want to show us an image simply upload it to ant cloud service and include a link to the image in your post.

  • parallelusbob22


    Hi Jeff
    Please find the link you require to my onedrive account below., there are four images.
    Picture (1) As before with the links loaded into the Header Widget as shown the problem is back
    However it only remained while the Vimeo link was included, deleting this allowed the menu to work correctly with the two other links Ok.
    Picture (2) Shows the uploaded text with the problem in situ
    Picture (3) Shows the Vimeo link text removed and the menu works correctly
    Picture (4) Shows the icon removed and the menu working!Ar_W92BAhOBNszo5ctW3ap6prbOx

  • jeffw


    This is just GIGO.

    Take a closer look at the content you say causes a problem…

    The last anchor tag has no closing </a> tag, that’s what is causing your problem.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

  • parallelusbob22


    Sorry for the last post Jeff, I was feeling sorry for myself !
    As a matter of fact I had just discovered the issue myself, but was very grateful for your help.
    Because I am new to this I am having difficulty with the site working ‘Live’, any mistakes I make mean the running site is affected.
    Is there anyway to try out the changes before they affect the home site?
    One further request if I may, I had already purchased your Unite theme and have used that without issue for a year.
    But I seem to have done a catastrophic thing this time with Mingle, if you look at my site again please, you will see that the menu system isn’t working correctly.
    The ‘Power Station Links, ‘Contact’ and ‘Information Links’ show no data below the Website Showcase when activated, this was working normally until two days ago and I cannot see the issue.
    There seems to be no way for me to change either the Header or the Layout to make them appear as before.

    I would appreciate any feedback from you.

    Best regards

    Bob Simmons

  • jeffw


    Mingle uses a system of layouts and if you are new to this kind of thing then it may confuse you at first until you get your head around it.

    I recommend that you work through our “How to Make a Home Page with Mingle” tutorial because this provides a very good introduction to Mingle layouts and how the various components are brought together into a single layout. →

    If you actually follow along with the article I think you will learn more than if you just read the article. ;)

    You won’t get the best out of the Mingle theme until you understand how layouts work so it is well worth putting in the time to learn, otherwise you may struggle. Once the penny drops, you’ll be off and away, I promise. Over the last five years I’ve given out the same advice more times than I can remember, but what I can remember is that as soon as you understand layouts and how the various components are brought together into a single layout, everything else just clicks into place. So please give it a go, in the long term I think it will save you time.

    You may find it easier to install a “sandbox” Mingle site so that you can learn how the theme works without it affecting your live site. That’s what I always do.

    If there is anything else about the Mingle theme itself you need help with, please just let us know. If you can’t find a solution using the forum search please create a new topic for each separate issue and we’ll do our best to help.

    Please try to remember to start a new topic for each separate issue that you have. We like to keep each topic in the Help Center focused on a single subject. We find that separating each question into a separate topic keeps the information much clearer and easier to follow. Also, it really helps other users to find information and it prevents threads from wandering down Tangent Lane. If you can’t find a solution using the forum search, please always create a new topic for each separate issue that you have.

    I’m going to close this topic now because the original question has been fully answered and we are already half-way down Tangent Lane.


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