Frequently Asked Questions

Fusce faucibus mauris magna, sit amet elementum libero. Nullam nisi erat, scelerisque ac pulvinar eu, sodales in purus. Donec arcu lorem, molestie volutpat elementum non, ornare nec risus. Curabitur dapibus posuere metus, ut egestas nulla tristique nec. Duis blandit nisi ac eros dignissim a placerat ante egestas. Ut vulputate, nisi nec cursus dictum, nisl justo imperdiet ligula, quis auctor tortor mi non justo. Pellentesque nec cursus turpis. Suspendisse vestibulum suscipit est, semper mattis ipsum euismod vel. Ut lectus erat, rutrum at sagittis nec, pretium eu erat. Pellentesque sollicitudin dui quis eros aliquet et ultrices tellus gravida. Fusce vulputate libero id ante imperdiet id rhoncus turpis blandit. Mauris pellentesque porttitor lectus quis laoreet.

  • Do these cool FAQ's come with the theme?

    Yes they are included with the theme!

  • Can I add FAQ's to any page?


    FAQ's can be applied to any page or layout by creating a list that follows a similar format to this:

    <ul class="faqs">
    		<h3 class="question">A question?</h3>
    			<p>The answer!</p>
  • Can I put advertisements in my site?

    Yes you can!

    The theme provides the structure for you to build your own site however you want. The type of content you add and where you add it is up to you.

  • How many images can he default slide show have?

    As many as you want!

    You can include as many images as you would like with the default slide show or "Grid Slider". The slider will fit additional images into place and create additional rows as each previous row is filled.

    The sample included on the home page of this site was intentionally left with an incomplete last row to demonstrate that it's a fluid space and will adapt to the number of slides you need.

  • Is there a lightbox feature for images and content?

    Yes, the theme makes use of the jQuery plugin, Fancybox, to provide lightbox functionality.

    You can add links to images, web pages and static content which can be opened using the Fancybox plugin. Try the samples below:

    Sample Image Sample Image Sample YouTube Sample YouTube Sample Vimeo Sample Vimeo

  • Can I play videos in this theme?

    Yes! You can embed videos directly into the pages of the theme, or you can load them in a lightbox as shown below.

    Sample YouTube Sample YouTube Sample Vimeo Sample Vimeo

    Any video format can be embedded directly into the page, however the lightbox only supports SWF, YouTube and Vimeo videos.

  • Sed ac sem nec augue tempus aliquet?

    Donec eget libero sit amet mauris gravida porta. Curabitur auctor vestibulum dolor, nec tempor urna aliquet vitae. Sed interdum dictum venenatis. Suspendisse iaculis pulvinar tortor vel sagittis. Nulla quis purus massa. Sed convallis ullamcorper felis, eu vestibulum metus commodo id. Donec vitae lacus nunc.

  • Id iaculis massa consequat quis?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue lacus sit amet ligula lacinia in ornare libero vehicula. Ut rutrum magna vitae mi ultricies eget luctus ligula pellentesque. Aliquam ligula enim, ornare vel rutrum molestie, condimentum et justo.

  • Sed ac sem nec augue tempus aliquet?

    Sed convallis ullamcorper felis, eu vestibulum metus commodo id. Donec vitae lacus nunc. Ut ultricies convallis lobortis. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit scelerisque.

  • Feugiat vestibulum quis?

    Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

About Us

ReVisionary has been providing cutting edge widget technologies since 2001. Today, we are the only internet company that has built its own widget technology available for anyone who wants to build a widget.

Our Widget Tech provides application structure, which is different from all other major vendors. Our approach provides better performance and cost effectiveness, due to higher widget density in our Widget Tech structure.

Thousands of business critical applications run on our Widget Tech, from small businesses to fortune 100 companies. Virtually every technology and language has proven to operate well on Widget Tech scaled from zero to billions per month.


A Fine Example

View some sample pages and included layout styles.

Too Many to Choose

More skins than you can shake a stick at! If you can't decide, make your own. It takes a whopping 3 minutes to create a custom skin!