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  1. Custom Skins

    Custom Skins

    Nearly endless custom design options built into Razor just wasn’t enough for us. We took it even further to give you absolute control over your site design. Simply enable an included skin or build your own to apply unlimited design modifications to your site. It’s easy to change Razor to look just the way you like. We created skins that show you the power of Razor and just how much you can do to customize your site design. The prefect starting point for your own...

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  2. Powerful Shortcodes

    Powerful Shortcodes

    Leverage the power of dynamic content through shortcodes. Add almost endless features such as tabs, toggles, quotes and icons to your pages and posts. Need a call-to-action-button for you product page? No problem, just enter a title and tag line and you’re off to the races. Vivamus non sem at ante dapibus rhoncus. Aenean a diam sed dolor tristique euismod eu vitae turpis. Sed tincidunt, erat eget elementum pellentesque, arcu magna pharetra ante, non pellentesque ante est eget arcu. Proin ligula tortor, fermentum id cursus...

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